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Griffin's Journey

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Apr 02

Hi!  I’m Stacy, mama to Griffin, 10 year old goldendoodle and light of my life!  I am writing my initial post a few hours after receiving a call from the surgeon that Griffin came through front right leg amputation well with no complications.  Thank goodness!

Griffin moved home to New York City when he was 8 weeks old.  He became a certified therapy dog when he was just over a year old and we have spent the last 8+ years volunteering at a local children’s hospital.  In fact, we had just renewed our Pet Partners certification a week before Griffin’s cancer diagnosis.  I can’t wait to get back out there (after Griffin has healed and the world returns to semi-normal after coronavirus) and inspire everyone who is trying to beat the odds!

Griffin was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on March 17th during his annual physical when I requested for x-rays to be taken to determine why Griffin had been limping for about 3 weeks.  I was devastated by the diagnosis and worried by the staff vet’s (not our regular one) recommendation not to amputate due to Griffin’s size (68 lbs) and age.  I secured an appointment with a surgeon at Long Island Veterinary Specialists that week.  Chest x-rays were clear and a biopsy was performed on March 20th.  The surgeon warned that the biopsy results could take up to 10 days, but they were ready that Monday.  Osteosarcoma – confirmed.  While I wasn’t surprised, I had been hoping for a diagnosis of pretty much any other cancer.  The surgeon at LIVS recommended amputation, but I was conflicted because of the original vet’s statement against that course of treatment.  I had researched stereotactic radiation (“cyber knife”) therapy and luckily live close to a facility in New Jersey, but I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable with the risk that he might later fracture his radius and ultimately still need amputation.

One of the top veterinary hospitals in the country, the Animal Medical Center, had been my first choice for specialists, but when I called after the initial diagnosis, their first available appointment was April 21st.  However, with the confirmed biopsy results, Griffin was considered a priority patient, and they squeezed him in for a consultation on March 26th.  I couldn’t go inside the facility with him due to coronavirus restrictions, but I had been there a few times for minor medical issues for Griffin previously and was always impressed with their level of care.  The AMC surgeon who examined Griffin called me to present his findings.  He said that he absolutely recommended amputation and thought Griffin was an excellent candidate due to his overall great physical shape.  There was something about this doctor that just put me at ease – he was confident, compassionate, and clear – and I was finally at peace with the decision to move forward with amputation.

The last week has only reaffirmed my decision as Griffin, even on pain meds, was increasingly more uncomfortable and limping more severely.  Dropping him off at the AMC this morning was hard, but only because I hate being separated from my boy.  Griffin’s surgeon, Dr. Spector, has been amazing throughout this process, responding to my emails and recommending various steps.  He emailed this morning to say he examined Griffin and reported that he was resting calmly and comfortably while waiting for his surgery.  Dr. Spector called me both before the surgery and then again afterwards to let me know that Griffin came through the procedure well and with no complications.  One of the interns just called with an update that Griffin continues to do well this evening, with no signs of pain or bleeding.  He is on track to come home tomorrow!

We will proceed with both chemotherapy and physical therapy in the coming weeks after Griffin heals from the surgery.  I would love any advice from Tripawd parents, but especially about those topics.

Finding the Tripawd family has been a lifesaver these last few weeks, from reading through forums to discover what other pet parents have experienced to learning about gear and ways to make our home more comfortable for Griffin.  I am excited to share Griffin’s journey here and become part of the Tripawd family.

