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Griffin's Journey

July, 2020 Archive

Jul 29

Griffin had his fifth round of chemo today (second round of doxorubicin), which was preceded by a rehab session.  The rehab therapist said that Griffin was an excellent patient during massage and stretches, and his oncologist, Dr. Camps, was happy with the results of his blood work prior to the chemo treatment.  The Animal Medical […]

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Jul 15

It’s been a rough week for us.  On July 8, 2020, Griffin was scheduled for his 4th round of chemo, preceded by chest x-rays.  Unfortunately, his x-rays revealed a growth in his right lung, indicating that the cancer has metastasized.  Griffin’s oncologist, Dr. Camps, suggested switching chemo agents – using doxorubicin now since 3 rounds […]

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Jul 04

In my last post, I shared how much Griffin enjoyed visiting my Dad and Donna, and swimming in the pool!  We also spent some time with Jody and her girls, Bethany and Shayna.  We went for a walk in Belmont Lake State Park where Griffin checked out a few swans! While Griffin and I enjoy […]

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