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Griffin's Journey

Apr 24

Griffin was at AMC today for blood work following his first round of chemo last week and for a few rehab sessions.  His oncologist said his blood test results were great – solid white blood cell/platelet counts and no issues with his liver.  She said he seems to be sailing through chemo – fingers crossed that it lasts!  He was cleared for acupuncture and hydrotherapy (see videos below).  It is a raw, rainy day in NYC, so it was nice for Griffin to get in some exercise time in the pool today!  I threw in a bonus video of Griffin swimming a few years ago – I can’t wait to get him back in the pool this summer!

He had acupuncture today but I did not receive a report from the vet afterwards.  We spoke beforehand as I had asked him to check out Griffin’s back left leg which seems to be moving forward in an arc rather than a straight line.  I sent Dr. Cherno videos earlier in the week so today he let me know that he examined Griffin and didn’t find any sensitivity or structural issues with his leg.  He thinks it is just Griffin’s new gait as he adjusts to being a tripawd.

I would say that he was neutral with the water therapy today.  I don’t think he particularly enjoyed the swimming as he is a great swimmer (see video below from 2017) and probably didn’t understand why he was being held.  I think he was ok with the treadmill – his face looks like he was thinking, “I’m not sure why you have me in a pool where the ground is moving, but if it makes you happy, I’ll stay here“.  I don’t think the water therapy is worth the cost/time, so we are just going to stick with acupuncture for now and see how he does.

This video is from 2017 at my dad’s house – we will be spending lots of time there this summer! 

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