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Griffin's Journey

Dec 02



Today is Griffin’s

8 month



He continues to live his life to the fullest and regularly amazes people we meet who cannot believe he has been a tripawd only since April and will turn 11 years old next month!  He looks forward to our daily walks, rain or shine, and has really enjoyed playing in the leaves this autumn.

Griffin’s appointment at AMC last week went very well.  He gained back about 1.3lbs and he is still considered to be in ideal body condition.  The results of his bloodwork and urinalysis were normal, and his oncology team is very pleased how well he is doing with the new metronomic chemo protocol.  So, I was extra thankful on Thanksgiving!

My dad and I traveled to northern Virginia to visit my sister’s family for the holiday.  My nieces, Valerie (11) and Victoria (5), both adore Griffin, but that wasn’t always the case.  Valerie is only 5 months older than Griffin and as a toddler, would literally climb her father’s body while screaming to get away from Griffin.  Over the years, Griffin worked his magic on Valerie, and she was such a tremendous help this trip, coming with us on every walk, holding Griffin’s leash, pushing his wagon, and getting him water on our hikes.  Victoria has always loved Griffin, giving lots of hugs (a bit too tight sometimes!), tucking him in under a blanket at night, and having him sleep next to her.  I think it is pretty funny that Griffin’s smile matches each of the girls’ smiles in the photos below!

One excursion we took without Griffin was to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens (Vienna, VA) to experience their Winter Walk of Lights, which was fantastic!  I look forward to other outdoor holiday events this season and hope that you are finding moments of joy in spite of the continued challenges of 2020!

8 comments so far

  1. Alissa
    1:37 pm - 12-3-2020

    Hi Griffin! So glad that you got good news from your oncology team. As crazy as this year has been, there are so many things to be thankful for! You’re a very handsome boy!

    -Hugs, Alissa and Trikitty Amber

    • Stacy
      3:28 pm - 12-3-2020

      Hi Alissa and Amber! Thanks for following along on Griffin’s journey. We hope that Amber’s recovery continues to go smoothly! ~ Stacy

  2. kazann
    1:42 pm - 12-3-2020

    I love Griffin and always enjoy his photos. A delightful dog!!


    • Stacy
      3:30 pm - 12-3-2020

      Hi Kerren! I thoroughly enjoy how many people have fallen in love with Griffin through this Tripawds community. I hope his antics brighten you days! ~ Stacy

  3. steveh
    9:38 pm - 12-3-2020

    Go Griffin go. Ziva says hello.

  4. paws120
    5:04 am - 12-4-2020

    I am so glad Griffin is doing well! Looks like you had all had a lot of fun 🙂 Those photos are fabulous, and he does have an amazing smile. Watching the zoomies though… brought an ear to ear smile to my face!

    Jackie and Huck

  5. jerry
    3:32 pm - 12-4-2020

    You sweet sweet boy! You are so puppy-like for an older pup, and no doubt it’s because of all the kids and love that surrounds you! Congratulations Griffin, you’re knocking out those ampuversaries and cancer too, you ROCK!

  6. Louie's Staff
    8:24 pm - 12-7-2020

    Woo-hoo!!! 8 MONTHS!! Rockin’ it, you stud you!

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