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Griffin's Journey

May 31

We’ve had a few gorgeous days in NYC!  Griffin and I have enjoyed lengthy morning strolls to bask in the breezy sunshine.  Last night I did my part to support the local restaurant economy (ok – I just really didn’t want to cook!) by ordering dinner from The Hudson, located at the entrance to our favorite park.  Restaurants in NYC are open only for take-out/delivery, although outdoor dining options will be permitted soon and I can’t wait since this is the view from that restaurant!  That’s the George Washington bridge connecting NY on the left and NJ on the right.

View from The Hudson NYC restaurant in the Inwood neighborhood.


Griffin continues to love his home-cooked meals, which I make in batches of about 10 at a time.  He still gets one-third can wet food and 1 cup kibble in the morning, and whatever kibble remains is mixed in with his meals in the afternoon.  Griffin’s supplements include vitamins, powdered and capsule mushrooms, colostrum, Chinese herbs, joint supplements, and fish oil each day! As I portion out his home-cooked meals after cooking, I add the supplements so that the gelatin covering on the pills will soften and disintegrate for easy mixing into his food when I’m ready to serve them.

Griffin’s pill organizer is very helpful in keeping track of his many supplements!


One of our neighbors who recommended the rehab center we went to recently is also a photographer.  We often see him with his pup in the park during our evening strolls.  He had his camera last night and took this photo of Griffin:

Griffin was ready for his close-up!


And here are a few photos that I took of my happy boy!  Enjoy!  xoxo Stacy

1 comment so far

  1. jerry
    8:54 pm - 5-31-2020

    You and Griffin are such a team! It’s fun watching you have fun in the city together. That is a great photo your friend took. Griffin is the most photogenic pup!

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